Saturday, July 23, 2011


As I begin to write this, I recall my days of treading on Live journal and Dead journal. A lifetime ago. A life I would like to deny today because I made it up. It wasn't real. Not even to me. But the words I wrote were far from fake. No charade in those lyrics. Those stanzas. Music was always my fuel when I write. When I wrote. When I will write. It will me to finish the incomplete.

It reminds me of a time that was great, a time that was terrible, terrifying, or a time that could be fabulous. Music shifts everything. It makes the bad good, it makes the tears flow free be it joy or sorrow or makes your stomach ache with grief.

My parents were the biggest influence in my life when it came to music. They played everything. No scrutiny in music. If anything, they allowed us a lot of freedom in things, in life. To enjoy, to experiment, to explore.
I used to find ... solace in music. To ease my loneliness, to ease my pain or to make the pain swell so I'd just cry it out. And be done with it. I fought sadness for a long time. Perhaps not sadness like others experience, but sadness nonetheless. I used music to make me feel, so I'd feel no more and forget.
Or I'd use it to bring out the anger, the rage and just release all that negative energy that I pent up in me.

Leo Sayer - More than I can say
Doing the dishes, I sang this song. And realized I didn't have it in my library. Over the years and all my moving, for whatever the reasons, I managed to lose my music quite a few times. Cd's destroyed, collections lost in all the relocating.

Leo Sayer - Sad Eyes
These songs are so beyond my time. before my time. A time when my parents would swoon and recall just who was around when this song played, or why they actually did cry, or who they danced with is it filled the air, or who was walking out which door.
I enjoyed the fact that we could sit with our doors open and ...Michael Bolton would fill the air with no discrimination inhibitions.
Even now, like this would have to find refuge in the quiet corner of your home no not louder for the neighbors to hear.
Where did the appreciation for music, real music, go?

I could sing every word to almost every song by...Journey, Chicago, Rod Stewart, Bryan Adams...if anything, we once owned them, be it vinyl or cassette tapes. Lol.
Music today is...well ...they say nothing is original anymore. All these remakes of all these old song, great songs, some taken and completely ruined.

My daughter may never appreciate the simplistic angles music can bring to your life. She won't get that in the mess that is music today. I hope she does because I play it all the time, if I can help it. But I wouldn't be shocked if completely bypasses her ..

I have the day to myself til around 11pm tonight. And all I've done so far after watching my daughter leave is play a few games, bought a few pictures, working on a picture book and blast music as if it were going out of style. Not the usual radio noise. The good stuff. Old stuff. Great stuff. Like they say "the stuff that memories are made of."

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