Saturday, July 9, 2011

It's such a pretty day

I am on little sleep at the moment. After a long night of keeping an eye on a drunk (which he'd never do for me. I always had to deal with the aftermath of a bad night on my own.), and a cranky toddler who just wanted to sleep in her mommy's bed, here I am.

It's in the low 90s and all I wanted to do was the plan. Take her out. Have a nice day OUT.
But you fucked it up. You got shit faced. AGAIN and ruined plans. AGAIN.
I tolerated the morning. Let you mope around and drag ass.
It was almost 4, Jaiden had napped, you spent all morning on the computer after an hour out with my brother. so I ask if you want to take her for ice cream. " stomach."
I'm not asking for you. It's for her.
So. I went alone. "We'll leave Daddy here by himself" was all I said.

She needs to be outside.
We plopped into McDonlads first but the PlayPlace there was too much for little lovey. So I got her some fries, which she ate most of, some apple juice, she made googly eyes at some customers, wanted to go play with kids who were with their family and had about 4 years on her.
And then my Dad offered to take her to the park.
I said "Swings? Slides? Kids? Sure. Why not."

I return home and where is he?

But it's such a beautiful day and I won't let you ruin it.
So I'll relax and wait for her to return, then get her ice cream like I said I would.
Took a couple pictures of her at McDs.
She got ketchup all over my shirt. :)

Love my kid.

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