Tuesday, July 12, 2011

The dream...

I have a lot of fears just like the next person. Failure. Loss. Hopelessness. Depression. Etc. Etc.
It's there all the time whether I want to admit it or face it. Why?
Aside from the cliche "there are No guarantees in life" ... I can't control someone else's free will.. I can't change their mind. I can't make their decisions. I can't force them to go my way.
The only thing we can do in this journey is hope to find the people who will walk the path with us, by our sides. The ones who leave along the way will be thought about but why stop for them. Hoping they would come back? They will find you if they need to. Never underestimate the capacity of people to let you down. It's unavoidable. If they care enough, they will find a way to let you know. Or at least they should.

Sent from my iPhone

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