Tuesday, July 5, 2011

I let it go

You get the luxury of sleeping to whatever time you want. You don't make breakfast for any of us. You don't cater to my needs if I'm sick. Or hers. I only gave you the same reminder you gave me. She's two. But I do everything for her. I can't trust you to even feed her if I leave for a few hours because I have in the past and you STAYED asleep while she wandered awake. Wet. Hungry. You're irresponsible when it comes to your child.
I get it, you were hung over, but I was sick from bad food. Didn't matter to you. If it were up to ME, she wouldn't still be wanting it because I wanted to stop when she was 1. But you insisted she was too young and she could have it a while longer. Well, she's 2 now. And I FEEL it's time it's gone. I didn't ask your opinion. Not once. It's time. I'm mom. I'm the primary caregiver, shit taker, do-it-aller. So it's not your call. So if she wants to cry and scream and have a fit, she can. Doesn't mean she can have it.
I don't care if YOUR need to have quiet is bypassed by my sticking to my guns and saying "No!" to you. because just how you can say "I don't care." ..neither do I. About your feelings.
She's having a tantrum. Let her. Are YOU going to fix it when it worsens and she wants other things? No. You aren't. You're never around. You're never the one to teach her a DAMN thing. You rarely, barely, if ever pay any attention to her. You don't have the right to say much now.

(this is what I wanted to say today but didn't*)
..I'm well aware you don't care if she'll be fine without it. But just like you can tell me 'She's only 2' you need to be reminded that too when you flip out when she turns off the computer while you're playing a game. Or she loses an item from your wallet that YOU GAVE HER to play with. So because she wants to cry her eyes out because she can't have something then fine. But she has to understand the meaning of no. The pacifier is not a reward. It is not something to give her to make her shut up. It's not 'cold turkey' as you put it. She's fine without it all day and have gone with out it for numerous nights. She can do without it. THIS IS PARENTING!

You can't bail your own laziness out by giving in to her every whim. Sorry. If I have to be the badguy ALL the time then so be it. I'm not wrong. I gave in for a whole year. She's a child. If I fold now, she'll know to have a fit and win every time. NOT. WITH. ME.
And I'll say no to you too.
You're obviously not with me.
So you're against me.
If you can't back me up on something SO simple, then I expect nothing more from you in the future when it comes to the bigger things.

How's she gonna learn anything about values. Morals. Manners. You're gonna be like every other dirt bag dad and 'BUY 'your way through parenting.
I let your mom fuck up once with me. Not gonna happen again. Not gonna happen with you.
My kid.
My rules.
Fuck you.

Sent from my iPhone

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