Monday, July 18, 2011

I ought to be asleep.

But I'm in the bathroom with my phone padding this away. I sent a friend a song tonight and was on my way back to bed when I realized I had to listen to it. It reminded me of a time so long ago. The words are so real and exactly what she needs to hear. Sadly. I don't remember who I had that song for. Back then music filled the gaping void in my life. The darkness between work and being out. Music filled the space where love and hate now reside and are constantly at war, seemingly. Music today? For me. Is but moments between meals and teaching my 2 year old to say 'truck' without it sounding like 'fuck'. Lol. I can't say I enjoy it like I used to. But I'm finding my way back there. Moment upon moment. Day by day. These old tunes are beckoning me out of this shell I've lost myself within .. Not to haunt me but to allow me the freedom and joy that music once brought me.
", baby stay. Stay right where you are. I like it this way. It's good for my heart."

Great line.
I seek hope and life .. In the lyrics that I voice. The melody that embrace me. I remember to never forget.

Sent from my iPhone

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