Saturday, August 18, 2012

Still confused

As I'd said. We'd stayed out if touch. No calls. No texts since he left. Last night he was due to return from Vegas. I had just gotten off a long days work after what turned into 12 hours of a mess of a day. I got home with the intent of bringing my daughter back with me.
I have to say, my parents have been incredibly helpful when it comes to my job and my daughter. They've encouraged me to take time for myself. Maybe go out with friends. They had her Thursday night and then yesterday and offered to keep her again since I had work at 8 am this morning and I wouldn't have to drag her there too.
I said yes.
My night was fitful though. I came home, and a friend contacted me. I invited her over for a beer or two. She obliged me.
She lives close. Married, daughter. But she came and sat with me for a couple hours. We caught up with each others lives regardless of us being located so close to each other. She told me that I'd ostracized myself. I'd turned into a hermit just like I did while pregnant. She's right.
This is the same friend who was with me before, during and after my pregnancy. We'd has some crazy nights together when I first moved here. She recalled us being in what used to be an empty apartment. Our late night drives to meet with Chris and other friends, getting lost, silly instances with men who acted like boys.
I think it was maybe the first time I told her I was upset that her and my brother 'dated' when I asked him not to because she's my friend. She's a single mother. And those aren't negative things. I asked him not to simply because I know what she was looking for and I know what he was looking for. It wasn't the same thing. She was heart broken in the end. My friendship was suddenly frail.
But not lost.
Because she's still in my life and I think she still loves me. :)
Lol@text. Yeah she does.

But last night while she was here, it was just after midnight. He texted saying he was home.
My stomach lurched. I wanted to ignore it but I didn't. But I only replied to his "I'm home" with "k" and left it alone.

She left just after 2am and I fell asleep. But awoke 3 hours or less later to my phone telling me Chris was on Facebook. He added pictures. Updated everything. Updated his updates. And changed his status to 'Separated'..
But I was mad. 4 years and he decides to use a social network to socialize. For what?
It bewilders me because I remember MySpace days and how he used that to his advantage. I know his attention to things of that nature are short lived. But when it is in use it's destructive.

Separated. Hm. It made me wonder. And then it made me cry. I'm still going to stay away. Til he decides to make a move. Whatever move that may be.
Do I miss him? Yes.
Do I love him? ...

Sent from my iPhone

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