Saturday, August 25, 2012

...never ending battle sure to worsen

..that's how the last week has been. Face to face? Monday he was very loving, very clingy. Tuesday, asked for numerous hugs. Lots of kisses. Thursday, phonecall. Complete asshole when I told him he couldn't take Jaiden to his sister's. Followed by random and vague texts, ignored phonecall or two and complete bs. Friday morning he sent a message via FACEBOOK.
 "You know each time you post something about Jaiden something you demonize me and make seem like its just you 2 vs. the world. I don't want to argue, just saying thats what I get when I read it.
I found that hysterical. And I never replied. I'm suddenly someone you message on a social network. Saturday texted to have her, but we got home late, and she fell asleep ...didn't want to wake up when he came, which was an hour and a half later than he said. "I'd be done by 3." ok, showing up at 4.30pm wasn't exactly enlightening. He came, gave her and I both a kiss and left, said to go back to bed. Texted at 6.."Is she awake." called at 7. "Is she up yet"...nope. I texted him at almost 8, and now wishing I hadn't. Told him she woke up from a bad dream, said I needed to fix daddy. Went and got a screwdriver for me.
Coming from a 3 year old, that broke my fucking heart. You know what he said? Make sure and put it on facebook. I said "be a jerk, go back to your family, sorry". turned my phone to vibrate and just let it go.
Why does he have to be a complete and utter fuck face?
So..I went and blocked him from seeing anything new from now on. Everything. Pictures, posts.
The blocked phone calls have been coming again. Same girl. Saying I'm stupid for believing anything he says.
I told her she really should call him and tell her how she feels. Because telling me really does nothing. I'm nobody to him anymore. She laughed and hung up.
Damned if I leave him alone and he doesn't get what he wants, he turns into a royal asshole. And damned if I say anything and get my throat bashed in. OR damned if he's in my face and acting like the love of my fucking life. And when he's not, he's a cunt.

I can't win.
I give up. I gave up. And it hurts ten times worse. Because now I dread every phone call, every visit.

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