Tuesday, August 14, 2012


That's how I feel. I'm thinking of him more often now that he's gone. I called him this morning to find out how he was getting to the airport. Apparently his shitty family were all asleep and didn't bother to wake up to take him THIS year. Yes I said this year because every other year that I wanted to take him, his pissant mother took him instead. And the one year she has him in her house, she neglects him. They all did. He got there late, his own fault in my opinion, and missed his flight.

It's just after 9pm there and he should have landed already. Be in his hotel ... But I haven't heard from him. He told me when he boarded. But that was the last time I heard from him.

I won't text. I want to.
I won't call. I want to.
...I miss him dearly though.

I want him back. To come for me. To not move. I hope this trip, being away from his family, not having me contact him, I hope he sees, hope he clears his head, hopes he knows we belong together.
I miss him.
...I miss you.

Sent from my iPhone

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