Friday, August 24, 2012


That's what he seems to be having. Last night he completely wigged because 'he can't be left alone'. Meaning ...and this is solely stated off his ranting and fragmented texts. He can't have one day to do what he wants without having to answer to anyone. Ok so chose that shit yourself. That's on you! You gave up your life, your family and went back to sit on your mothers house on your fucking own. It's no body's fault but yours ...
So as far as I know, he was home drinking and being passive aggressive.
All he does is confuse me and the moment I feel like I can make it, he pulls me right back. And it's not fair. I shouldn't be slowing down or waiting for him to catch up. He needs to get his ass in gear and reach me.

He wanted to take Jaiden to his sisters house and I said no. Why? She has a cat. Why is that do hard to wrap around. Your child is allergic to cats. Will you be such an asshole and subject her to discomfort?

How about the fact that your family knows your daughter is allergic and they kept the 12 or 15 they have and your sister GETS a new cat? Isn't that just fucking cruel? And disrespectful to you, me and her?

You don't see that.
And I get half assed rambles about how you hated the apartment for the STUPIDEST reasons. It's on a main street, the floors creaked. Ok so, your stupid ass should have said "Hey babe let's move to another complex. Or let's look for a home to rent. Something better than here." no!! You fucking sat there and complained and bitched to no one but yourself.
You declined my every fucking attempt.

You know what? Fuck you. Sit on Facebook and reminisce about bars and clubs with guys your age, or older who have no families and no goals. Those are the friends you want and seek.

I'm done wondering and worrying about you. You don't give me a second thought. And when you do, you use me. Be miserable for your own choices. Be miserable because you are in fact a pussy who can't make any decisions without wondering what your mother and sister will say or think of you. You obviously cannot stand up for yourself do you sure as fuck can't stand up for me.
I should have ignored your call yesterday like I intended. But I had hopes for good news. Not a fight.
You have no idea what your doing?
Get a clue. Because I've had it.
....and now I want to cry.
Sent from my iPhone

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