Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Oh Damn it

..all to hell.
Here's my issue, as if you expected something less, or else. Lol. I have very few people in my life I can call 'friends' regardless of sex, past, sexual orientation, or location. They're spread out everywhere. I was actually saving to write this tomorrow because I wanted to waste time now. o.O yeah..I said that.
But a couple or friends of mine (who I probably won't have time to explain who they are or their backgrounds in my life but if I do...heh, enjoy) decided it was time for our catch up rendezvous. The initial plan was last Friday night but due to one being sick and then word of the incoming Storm, of course we rescheduled.

I guess I can start a background story.
One of them is Frank.
He used to be a student of mine but we're the same age, perhaps a year apart. He just turned 30. Great guy, very handsome. Not my type but back in the day when I was still 'looking around' the thing that attracted me about him was how much we had in common, and how well we clicked. I blame it on the fact that he's a Cancer, like my ex and my brother, and also a water sign. Pisces and Cancer seem to get each other, although, with my brother and I that seems far fetched. But we hit it off the moment I met him, and up until the day I found out he was gay, it was fabulous. Every day after that? Even better because I gained a great friend in him. We've had numerous nights out be it at a local watering hole, the local gay club which we ventured to too often to announce but damn did I have a blast. I'm not quite sure when I allowed him to know of me, my past, but he let me into his world ..his past...and my how dismal it was.
Today he's (as far as I know until I see him again) an aspiring bartender in Brooklyn, living on his own and having a ball. It's never been just US two, though. The third leg in our tripod of chaos is G.

My co-worker/friend.
I spent many years working with him. Seen him through many girlfriends, a divorce, his daughter. His brother. He made work so much easier at times and so much fun. Another Pisces like myself ...a great listener. All round good guy if I had to summarize.

I hope to have pictures up on that night as well. So you can better see just who these two men are. But our adventures have been some of my most remembered and fun experiences. From having all three of us drunk beyond belief to them driving my car (who I never ever let anyone drive) back home and G telling Frank he had to take me upstairs (when I lived with my parents still) because my Dad disliked G. To all three of us ending up in the mens room of the local TGIF but no one knew I was in the stall while they were at the head. Sloshing back tequila from the bottle as pregame to a night out at the club after work, while changing in the car to heinekens in the parking ...40s on the outside at midnight and being cornered by cops ..having to ditch the bottles (but not lose the booze) til later when we were sure they were gone.
Some of those things I'll never forget.
Well needless to say I'll be seeing this pair Wednesday night at the locals again after a few years. yes, its been years since I've seen either. And I look forward to it. Kinda.
Well I asked my mom to babysit since Chris will be coming as well but she reminded me that Wednesday is Eid (a muslim holiday to mark the end of the fasting month of Ramadan) - I don't celebrate any of my religion's holy days but I don't deny them simply out of respect for my parents. SO...with her reminding me of it, I felt the guilt of my going out and drinking through the phone. With that said, depending on if they take her or decide to just watch her here at the apartment, I'll have to either NOT drink or if they do take her, not drink til after midnight. FUCK. MY. LIFE.

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