Saturday, August 27, 2011

I found this amidst..*Irene*

A lot of my poetry I've forgotten. I know none of them by heart as it were being that there's so many, and each are so long. So many things to remember.

This one having re-read it, made me smile. I didn't finish but I'll start typing it out anyways and at the end, i hope I remember who and why I wrote it.


You're an addiction I've come to harbor
Like a baby craves candy;sweet
At first sound of your voice across the lines
And that first whisper "Hello" - a sound that renders me to my feet.

A smile to reminisce when we first met
Thoughts of you bring me back to that night
I couldn't forget the sparks that flew through me
To not take you all at once was a sure fire fight

You're a find in the deck of failure
You're my dream come to life, card of perfection
One of my greatest achievements was to have found you
I wouldn't return you to the pack to make another selection

I'll make no promises, I'll make no vows
But I give you my word to try
To make you as happy all your life as you've made me in this short space of time
And to never bring you sadness;to make you cry

A piece of salvation
The missing part of my life, found
It is now that you and I are one
Forever our souls entwine;forever to each other, bound.

- Sadly, I don't remember who the fuck I wrote that for. BUT it's written on the day before the New Years Eve after the Christmas I met Chris. I was with someone else, though.
It's after 11pm, I've had a dumbfounded week and I've been in an unrealistically bad mood for the latter part of it. I think I may know why but it's stupid enough that I wouldn't want to admit to it. Music is momentarily filling my head as I'm writing this simply because the song that is on replay has a fly beat that takes my mind off whatever is bothering me. Irene is plowing down on us not nearly as hard as she was expected to come, but the night is young, and there's a lot more than can transpire between now and the morn. I've been periodically checking in on my parents via celly, and Chris' parents/Mom via text.

I wish it would just open up and absolve us. The lights are flickering here and there and I'll save this before the lights completely go.

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