Sunday, August 21, 2011

Oh a change!

A few months ago I'd heard of an opening at a nearby fitness center. It would be in the child care department and I was told, which would be a perk, that I would be able to have my child with me since I'm the sole caretaker available to her every day regardless of time. But I applied nonetheless. After I had applied, I went back and saw the manager, just to introduce myself. Say hello. A few days later was their grand opening since they transitioned from one business to another. I was there again, to do the same, Say hello to the manager. A week ago, I went back.
When I had originally applied, I didn't just apply for the child care department, but also for customer service, and the receptionist position if it was available.
I found out yesterday that I now have an interview tomorrow at 10am.
I'm happy and scared in the same. What if I'm not allowed to bring my daughter with me. I mean, it's just an interview. I know. But the bright side of this is that
1. I'll be working again.
2. My credit can get better incase many things were to happen in the future.
3. I can pay off some of my debt quicker. At the moment I make my payments on time but I pay the minimum.
4. I won't feel so damn useless and bored.
5. I might be able to save a little money on my own since I have...none.
6. My daughter will have more social interaction with other children which can help get her ready for school when the time comes. She's 2 and incredibly brilliant for her age.
7. I get more adult social interaction so I don't go crazy.
8. If I can hold and maintain this job it can get better position wise which will help when Jaiden gets older and is at school more often.
9. It's part time so it's not a full time commitment yet.
10. The commute isn't far at all but I will require my car. I hate depending on people (excluding my parents who are incredibly reliable) but with their full time jobs I would cater to their schedules first.

What if Chris continues to be as unreliable as I know him to be?
When we had our talk he said I'm afraid to leave Jaiden with him, which is why I never go anywhere. And it's true (though I didn't say it) - I am. If I leave her alone with him for even an hour he complains. She gave him a headache. Or he forgets to feed, change or entertain her. so how am I going to....even think about leaving him with her for 4 hours a couple times a week, if even that long.
Maybe I'm getting ahead of myself. I might have to force him to buck up.

But I am looking forward to being back in the work force again. I've missed it. i have never been a stationary kind of person. I feel stupid and useless. Maybe now I won't. :D

1 comment:

  1. I already know it went well but i love how smart you are. You made a very logical decision. :) im excited for you.
