Friday, September 2, 2011

Last night

Well needless to say I'm feeling much better than I did a few hours ago. I was a royal mess if nothing less. Why? Well my friends were in town after several years. Our date to meet and catch up was a success ..Oh I had forgotten how I loved being them. Why they were part of my life. Why I shared parts of my life with them.

Initially it was just supposed to me the three of us, but I invited an ex student who wanted to see G and of course, Chris. At first he was all for going. So 30 minutes before leaving time since we're supposed to meet them at 10pm, I was getting dressed, showered and all the necessary preparations. He, was not. Which was fine. I wasn't going to rush him. 20 minutes, 15...10. The time dwindled away and it was 20 after 10. Still not moving. With soft nudges of a "Honey, hurry up." I was trying, once again to not seem pushy. 45 minutes into 10pm, he's finally off the computer, showered and shaving???!! And he's got a less than happy look on his face.
"You don't have to go if you're not up for it."
"Eh..I'll be bored. They're more YOUR friends."
"I wish you'd told me this sooner, I could have had me car and not been late."

"You don't want to go?"
"Not really."
"Ok, so take me to get my car and I'll go alone."

"I'll come for a little while.."

All of this is transpiring AFTER I'm late and JUST finding out he didn't want to go.
So I'm dressed up, and 1. I can't see at night because of my terrible eyesight without my glasses (which I hate) and 2. I have to drive back which means I shouldn't be drinking.
I did my best NOT to be mad. Success.
So we get there and everyone knows everyone. It's not like he's never met them before and the last time I saw them was the last time he saw them. Jeff, included.
The night started off with a beer or two and some quick appetizers. Some random quips about back in the day nights that are better left unspoken of in the company we had but no doubt still laughed about.

But we didn't ignore the two newcomers to the tripod. We made the night about now, not the past. It was about what's new. Unfortunately for me 3 beers in and I think 2 or 3 Mind Erasers later, we were getting ready to leave. God alone knows how I drove my car back to my parents' without wrecking myself. I have no idea how I got home after BUT I do recall getting back to the apartment, pouring 4 shots of Captain Morgan and then disappearing to the bathroom to puke and die.
Woke up the next morning, naked and with the usual "What the hell" look on my face but moreso wondering where I parked since my Dad needed the car at like, 5.30am.
Wondering what happened, how did my friends do after I vanished and did I say anything to Chris.
I'd awoken a few hours before then and found a drunk Chris busy online with his late night lesbian porn rouse. I dismissed it and went back to bed quietly.

From what I do remember, it was a good night had by all, and will be remembered. I look forward to our next time. Hopefully I'll be better.

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