Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Stepping up

My faith in Christopher is so shallow. Here it is, almost 3am, he has to work at 9, and he's still on the computer doing whatever. Granted I'm not asleep either but I'll be up at 8.55, wake and dress my kid and go to do what I need to do. I'll go, come back and he will still be here. He's like 4 shots deep. Reeking of it. When I asked how much more he's had, he lied and said none. I know better, then he changed his story to 1. My retort? "thanks for lying to me"
Him? "anytime".

If he dies, I have nothing to get. But I have nothing now. So what's the difference. What's the point. I'm growing more hateful by the day.

When I told him I was hired. I said it like "you may congratulate me now" and he was clueless. When he did tune in all he says was "oh you got your job? Contests" and continued to stare at the screen. I felt about an inch big. No support. And that's how I know he'll suck at giving Jaiden any either. I want to take her away from that. She deserves better. We both do.

My friend said she thinks Chris will step up. My thoughts? He won't. He'll just disappoint me further. Disappoint all three of us.

On a dude note my ex is annoying me beyond belief and I wouldn't mind if he went away too. He's no better except that he SAYS he cares and wants me after 3 years. But so did Chris. I was dumb twice.

Sent from my iPhone

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