Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Walter Pt 2.

I'd written about this person in some form before.The one who couldn't be a mutual friend to both Chris and I so he lied to us both (but I was the only one smart enough to figure it out and follow through like a damn bloodhound). It had been perhaps, another year in passing since I'd known Walter. And a few days ago...maybe a bit longer, but time isn't the issue, he'd sent me a friend request via FaceBook. I stared at it long and hard, even let a day or two go between deciding to accept or deny it. I did neither but sent him a message with the word 'Really?' in it.
This is what ensued.
  • Walt Seaman
    November 4, 2010
    Walt Seaman
    • Just so you don't think I was LYING to you, no I never ended up leaving for reasons unannounced.
  • Mindy Mohammed
    October 19
    Mindy Mohammed
    • really?
  • Walt Seaman
    October 19
    Walt Seaman
    • Sure why not.
  • Mindy Mohammed
    October 19
    Mindy Mohammed
    • Better question..Why?
  • Walt Seaman
    October 19
    Walt Seaman
    • well....its been about a year, so I sort of figured both sides would have come to a cease fire of sorts, secondly, Idk, in hindsight all the arguing and drama was incredibly stupid and not worth losing good friends over, and thirdly, lifes too short, I just got back home on the 8th from Knox and well, Im not taking things for granted anymore.
  • Mindy Mohammed
    October 19
    Mindy Mohammed
    • Ah.
  • Walt Seaman
    October 19
    Walt Seaman
    • Ya.
  • Mindy Mohammed
    October 19
    Mindy Mohammed
    • I mean, you're right it's been a while, I'm all for ending the animosoty but I don't quite understand what you being gone and back from 'knox' has to do with anything. We've been at this crossroads before...numerous times actually. I don't know what good could come from it if it's only been bad, ya know?
  • Mindy Mohammed
    October 19
    Mindy Mohammed
    • *animosity (I can spell)
  • Walt Seaman
    October 19
    Walt Seaman
    • I agree and fair enough, i see your point. Well long story short, the whole trip to knox was a wake up call...I pretty was pretty much treated like a criminal until they realized it was a bit of a mistake, but in that time I realized pretty much everything that I had taken for granted and what not...I mean it really is a wake up call when they told me basically that there was a chance that my freedom was in jeoprody....and that changed how I viewed and treated a lot of things.
  • Mindy Mohammed
    October 19
    Mindy Mohammed
    • Isn't Fort Knox an Army base? Why would you be chancing your freedom? It's not jail. Unless I'm missing something.
  • Walt Seaman
    October 19
    Walt Seaman
    • Well I was there involuntarily after a short stay in Essex county Federal shortly after 14 US Marshals and NY NJ Fugitive Task Force members nearly gave my mom and I a heart attack. Its a long story starting in 2007 ish, but I honestly didn't do anything wrong, however CID saw it otherwise and issued a warrant.
  • Walt Seaman
    October 19
    Walt Seaman
    • All in all they tried court martialing me
  • Mindy Mohammed
    October 19
    Mindy Mohammed
    • Well, I can't say i know much about this aspect of the services, so I won't pretend to understand.
  • Walt Seaman
    October 19
    Walt Seaman
    • Basically the Army version of NCIS brought me up on charges because of a paperwork mistake, and they tried bringing me to military court...my mom sat here for like a week in tears, etc...it wasnt good to be honest...it scared the shit out of me
  • Mindy Mohammed
    October 19
    Mindy Mohammed
    • So your recent experiences with the law/whathaveyou have ...opened your eyes to many things but..what does that have to do with me? I'm just another person you knew, nothing special. Like I said; we've been here...it didn't work. A couple times, actually.
  • Walt Seaman
    October 19
    Walt Seaman
    • Negativity. lol. Well because most of our arguments were over my own arrogance/belligerence, which has since been removed from my arsenal, plus regardless of all the drama, you were one of the few I would call a true friend....
  • Mindy Mohammed
    October 19
    Mindy Mohammed
    • I won't point the finger but will admit to say we both had our own issues to work through. I will say thank you and I appreciated your honesty (when it was there).
  • Walt Seaman
    October 19
    Walt Seaman
    • Likewise, you honestly helped me more then I ever gave you credit for...You were/are a great friend....and thats what Im getting at here.....and I know in the past majority was me, I had a lot of shit to deal with/come to terms with etc
  • Mindy Mohammed
    October 19
    Mindy Mohammed
    • People are generally assholes; some just cover it up better than others.
  • Walt Seaman
    October 19
    Walt Seaman
    • what are you implying lol
  • Mindy Mohammed
    October 19
    Mindy Mohammed
    • Every body acts like a fool. We were both assholes at some point (maybe still are, or maybe we're hiding it so well that it seems like it's gone but it's really not) o.O regardless.
  • Walt Seaman
    October 20
    Walt Seaman
    • So you pretty much think I'm hiding it.... o.O
  • Mindy Mohammed
    October 20
    Mindy Mohammed
    • huh?
  • Walt Seaman
    October 20
    Walt Seaman
    • idk lol
  • Mindy Mohammed
    October 20
    Mindy Mohammed
    • me too
  • Walt Seaman
    October 20
    Walt Seaman
    • brb making pbj
    • back
    • i thought you mean't i was just good at hiding being an asshole
    • i should probably stop assuming things tho

      as you saw the date at the beginning of the conversation was about a year ago. And then this. BUT honestly, I don't think that he's changed much at all because conversation after, have no been hostile, but have been shady. he's still with flaky women, not that I care because it doesn't matter to me. But he comes to me for advice on stupid things, or irrelevant things ...it's the SAME Walter. At the moment he is in Florida visiting his father who I don't think he sees, seeing as his parents are divorced.

      Since then we've spoken about his desire to go back to school work, several women and he's currently drunk messaging me at ungodly hours while I'm tired or asleep. I don't indulge him enough with a response. I figure, for now, limited contact is best. He's one of those people who talks about moving forward but they're sitting 99% of the time. They're never gonna stand up and take a step in the right direction as they speak. Smart individual, just..misguided by the ideals in his head.

Sent from my iPhone

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