Tuesday, November 22, 2011

I know she's doing it to ..

..piss me off. I've said it before. I'll say it again until the day she proves me wrong. Even my parents, who are very understanding in the many arenas of this.

The fact that Thanksgiving is coming up has all but NOTHING to do with the fact that my faux-mother-in-law just makes it her...goal when she knows the plan...to fuck with my head, and to piss me off.

Here's how it all went down. I've known for about a month and a half that I'd be working on Thanksgiving morning. I'd also known that my parents would both be working from 11pm that night into Black Friday morning. So the PLAN WAS to go to work, go to my parents for the lunch type deal and then to Chris' parents home for the dinner type deal. That way my parents can see us, Jaiden and then after we've gone, have some time to themselves to gather their bearings to get ready for work that night. That wayyyy Chris can see his folks for a tad longer, they can see Jaiden and we can chuck her in the tub when we bring her home so she's not all itcy and super uncomfortable.

I'd see his parents just a few days ago and told her FACE TO FACE what the plan was, and she was most agreeable. Even said it works out best that way because they like to 'do things late anyways.'...So I felt that the plan worked out well in everyone's favor.

the SAME night of the day I saw her, I texted to ask if she wanted me to bring a pie to dinner for dessert. She suggested cookies since they were good on pies. Cool! Plan unfolding well. AND THEN...

Do you know that BITCH texts me the next morning and says she's going to have dinner at 3pm Thanksgiving day because her son and his gf. has to work?

OMG I flipped my wig. Privately.
I showed Chris the text and he blew it off. As in "Forget her" type deal. I mean, seriously though? Is she doing it to get under my skin so that I literally lose it on her and blow my top?
Kinda like the last time I saw her and she made me feel like I needed an invitation directly from her to come over even though Chris and Jaiden was there and I was getting out of work. Chris told me to come there instead of going home and them just meeting me thereafter. "You never told me Mindy was coming.." meanwhile I'm sitting RIGHT THERE as she's INSISTING she wasn't told I'd be there after work.

The woman is either trying to test me or just daft-minded. And I'm trying hard to believe it's the latter regardless of her being far from dumb. But if it's the first she's in for it.

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