Thursday, November 17, 2011

In ever window...

Something can be seen. I will never forget that as long as I live. Walls will never be thick enough, doors will never be tight enough. The past few weeks have been busy ones for me. I've gained a couple extra hours at work and with the fact of changing the computer settings and not seeing if/when Chris has gandered onto any not too lovely websites have made not being home that much easier. not wondering what he's doing or not verifying what he is doing had made things so much simpler to me. I'm not..bothered by it anymore because as I said; if I can't see it I can't prove it's there regardless of my knowing he does it. I won't know when. And I won't care..

BUT sometime last week, I think it was Thursday; I was being picked up from work and being brought home by my dad. I get out of work at 8. By the time I pick Jaiden up from my parents, because Chris won't or can't, it's 8.30. Now that night he was either late or later than expected. In the car we made the corner about to do the U turn to get a parking spot. I saw the computer screen from the car in the street. Plain as day with the curtain half drawn, raw lesbian porn. >.< a part of me just died inside. Car parked, I tried to head off my Dad by getting to the window first...Hoping he would hear me from inside I said "Really?" loud enough. The image on the screen closed and then suddenly reopened. Seeing the screen STILL from where I stood and what was on the screen...KNOWING my father had seen it as well...I knocked on the window. BAM. it closed and he flew off the seat. The door wide open, Chris, a-fluster, completely shocked, red as a tomato, and most certainly busted, gave NO eye-contact to either me or my father. Knelt right down to Jaiden, and ignored the fact that he was just caught by not only me, but by another. He was so caught up in trying to get coherent words out to Jaiden and failing, so it just sounded like sputtering words a-random.

My Dad laughed ..and usually he comes in with us, to say goodbye to Jaiden. That night he just reached in and shook Chris' hand and left. "You do know you can see the screen from the street right?" - it was all I could say as we made our way in. I wasn't embarrassed because my father saw or even that he was caught. I was more...upset. "I do, It's been a long day.."I tried to let it go and it was slowly working. "Well at least I know what you do when I'm not home. " I tried to make light of the situation..but I felt myself just shivering as if I wad cold, uncontrollably "Only sometimes." perhaps it was the truth, perhaps it wasn't. But I agreed to disagree with myself, give him a hug and move on ...

In every window...there's no telling who can see what. In every room, there's no telling who can hear you next door. And sometimes, you just don't care. But most times, you can't help BUT care.

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