Tuesday, November 1, 2011

A friend in and a friend out?

It would seem that way but I'm incomplete on my one post of Walter.
But this isn't about him. It's about another friend who I've also known for a number of years through a game we all used to play. Last year, Chris and I had the balls to invite these online friends to our home for a party. One flew in from Tennessee and another drove from Maryland. Chris was the one from Tennessee. We picked him up from the air port and he spent the weekend here on our inflatable bed. He didn't make the most winning of first impressions but nonetheless. It was a lot of nervous energy flying around seeing as how none of us had met before. We were friends in game, face book friends and spoke via text/cell/vent. Face to face is different and I know it.
He's been in the marines for a number of years and was discharged due to injury. Since then he's been on a number of medication to help with many issues. One being anti-depressants for his great depression. He also has a serious anger issue. (I know all too well) ..
But to me, he's always been a good listener, in game a knight in shining armor with the knowledge of my own significant other, and we've shared the same side of many issues. Should a disagreement surface we've managed to get through it as friends.

This is a year later ..if not longer. He'd been dying to be in a relationship but had stated that he's always found himself being used or with 'crazy girls' as he so eloquently put it. I let him know that it will come when the time is ready. She will find him if he hasn't yet. Just to be patient.

I even convinced him to get a blog going to get his thoughts out. He's possibly just like me. We have the same mentality almost. We'd call it the "Pisces in us".

I'd spoken to him just a few days before via text and a phone call. I'd noticed on his Facebook that he'd met someone and was suddenly "In a relationship". I sent a text to congratulate him. No reply. No big thing, right? I don't think so. On one of his pictures of him cooking. I left a comment which stated if we knew he cooked we would have had him cook when he was here. I said then next time we got together he would. we were making plans for him to visit again this year. Her retort was "he only cooks for me". Again, I made no reply to her. I texted him ...

the out come of that was a 4am phone call from his phone and her threatening to kill me. I laughed and hung up. I don't have the time to acknowledge morons in another state. I erased him from my life simply because as good a friend as he might have been, he chose her and allowed her to do as she had to someone so close to him. Allowed her to scream over the phone, threats, delete and block me via facebook ...he's not worth my friendship.

It's a week later since they've been together and they're now engaged. I won't say he deserves this but he will learn the hard way. She'll most likely kill him before anything else. Or at least take him for everything he has. As for this friendship? It's over. I've washed my hands of him simply because I thought he was stronger than that. I'd never LET the person I choose in my life as my lover, choose my friends for me. No way.

I chalked it up as: His Loss.

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