Thursday, November 17, 2011

I like when Jealousy rings my bell

For some women, their men are so caught up in being men that they forget how to show their sensitive sides. The sides that a woman should not always want to see but like to see every once in a while. Part of that sensitivity should be a little jealously. I used to hate that trait in a person, more so myself but privately, secretly, I've been a territorial person. A secret-jealous rager. Lol. A few posts before I'd mentioned my co-worker Kyle and his meeting Chris. And then, Chris' deduction of Kyle. The fact that I had a fan-club. Which I thought was bloody hysterical. Nonetheless. Monday nights are the only guaranteed nights I actually work with Kyle. And that only started perhaps, 3 weeks ago. Before then it was on a Friday. And that was random because it was an open hours slot that anyone could have with me. I was the only set person to work, so anyone who needed hours had Fridays 5-8. So sometimes, Kyle would be there. Well, last Friday I believe it was, just before I went to work, Chris calls me, we talk and at the end when he asks if I'm going to work, I said yes, and he replies "Send my regards to Kyle." I laughed, but Kyle didn't work that day. Monday, he did. And Chris knows.

Now, Chris NEVER calls me if I'm at work. He'd quicker text. Mondays' one of my shorter days as it's only 3 hours instead of 4. Before I'd left home, Chris said he'd give Jaiden a bath so I didn't need to before I left. at 6pm he calls me up and asks "Did you give Jaiden a bath?" - if you could imagine the look on my face as he heard Kyle's voice in the back as I said "No, you said you would, so I hadn't." ..."Oh..ok, hang on while I chuck her in.."....I was beyond myself and wanted to snicker...

Why was he keeping me on the phone while putting her in the bath ...and heard him in the background. Oh I KNEW WHY!! and I loved it. It makes a person feel good knowing that they're 'wanted' but desired by another. Who's to say if there's any TRUE desire there but who cares. It got a rise out of Chris for him to act, to have his proverbial arm raise and lay claim around me, as another looked on in momentary dismay.

AND for the first time, Kyle and I exchanged more than just a few words while working, that Monday. Although, he did ask "Is your boyfriend Jaiden's father?" to which I replied "Yes.." but I found it strange that he would ask that. He seemed fond of her and was glad that she seemed happy when she's there. He even suggested, though I didn't mention this at all when I got home, that I take Jaiden 2 balloons ..which he tied to my purse.

Maybe I am blind in the fact that I can't see the attraction ..maybe I emphasis too much on the age difference between us to acknowledge it. I..honestly, don't know.

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