Tuesday, November 22, 2011

I'm still alright to smile

..a line off a GnR song that I was thinking about last night. I started with just the title because I had a mindblock for what I wanted to say, or how I wanted to say it. After I helped my parents with some stuff this morning I went to work, had a long day on my own, came back home, picked my daughter up, who wasn't feeling well, and brought her home.

My parents looked so tired but so happy to be with her, as they always are. She had been running a fever for the day and refused to eat, or drink much of anything. I was concerned and sad while at work. I didn't like being away from her when she's not well. But I knew she was in great hands, not just good ones.

The highlight of my day? After a very long evening, with Chris working late, and my daughter now home with me, I sat down with her, after getting her to go potty which she refused to go all day, got her to eat a whole chicken leg. Drink so milk, some juice and dance a bit. I was so proud of her. I know she was hungry. And I was so glad she finally sat down to eat. The downside to this story was yesterday when I left her home with Chris, I made lunch for them both before I left. I told him, he couldn't sit down in front the game if he wanted her to eat. He said he understood. I had returned home 5 hours later, the plate in the same spot I'd left it in, almost still full.

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