Thursday, January 5, 2012

New year; same shit?

One would think it would seem that way considering how it's started. The whole Christmas into New Years transition was one forced and trite. I really don't like being around his mother, especially. More so when his brother's girlfriend is around. It's like two peas in a pod and I'm the branch on the other tree on the other side of the forest. Jaiden's my only link to anything to do with them.

Maybe it's just me and maybe it's the feeling that's been lingering since just before Christmas. Things don't feel right. I kept thinking it's just me. It'll go away. I've involved myself in work and my kid and withdrawn my focus from him and it's like...I can't find a happy medium with him. If I'm too close, he does stupid shit. If I'm far, he does stupid shit. I thought things were ok. I even stepped out of my comfort zone and thought I should even get him a new phone. Now considering he's not the MOST trustworthy individual, I was willing him with it. NOW? Not at all. He's due for an upgrade and I had the hook-up for a free smartphone, a great plan and something that would cost LESS than his little POS now.
And then it happened.
He started hiding his phone again.
Or sleeping with it.

It's ALWAYS with him.
He's been home for the past two weeks and today was his first day back to work. When he came home. I saw the phone sitting on the desk as he went to the bathroom as a small window of opportunity to ...look.
There's a name and number that seems familiar in there. A girl. Titled with just an initial. "J"-  A small conversation about her seeing someone she just met at a store he visits and him telling her about Jaiden. Just. Jaiden. No girlfriend, nothing. So I noted the number and called it. 1 ring, it was picked up and no one answered. Just hung back up. Same New Brunswick area. I remember the number from before and when I had called it then, a guy answered with a British accent. I hear talk in the background so I know she handed off the phone to someone else to answer ...

This either has to be "Ass Girl" or the one who works at the bar. It would really suck if it's someone new, but I doubt it is considering there's just an initial and no actual name in his phone. Maybe I'm over analyzing. Maybe I'm not..

I just feel like I did a year ago and that wasn't such a great place.

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