Tuesday, January 31, 2012

My friend

It takes a lot for me to use that word towards another. Most of the time when I reference someone I say something along the lines of "Someone I know.." or "Someone from work"..or anything nearing those words. Because to me, a friend is a lot more. And that word, means more. Maybe it's just me. Maybe it's a lot of other things. I've met thousands of people in my life. Not hundreds. But thousands. I've impacted most of them in a positive way, I think.For most, I've been a strong supporter, a strong shoulder, a silent yet sturdy ear, a piece of something for them to hold on to as they drift, or when they feel they're being pulled under. Something to keep them afloat.

I could say more but who's to say what they really think of me. It might be more and it might be none of those things. But what I always strive to do, for my FRIENDS, is be there. In thought, in prayer, in voice and in person if possible. But God has granted me limited funds in this life, so the latter is near impossible at times. Technology has allowed me almost all of the others mentioned. I trust that my friends would and will always know that I am ALWAYS there for them. In good times and in bad.

And I would do what I can, whatever in my power, to help them rise above whatever trials and tribulations they face.

One of my friends, a dear one at that, is going through a rather tough and disheartening situation. She is someone I met under circumstances I still cannot believe and through so many words, thoughts, prayers, we've become close friends. It's someone who all physical contact with have been denied and our friendship is justly based on ..us. Her momentary place in life is one of great difficulty. One I hope I, nor any mother for that matter, would ever have to face. But she is already in it, and so I wish with all my heart, she and her daughter, find solace, if not with each other, but with their oncoming decisions, steps, changes, in life. We cannot live for another. We cannot choose for another, no matter how much we want to. And we cannot protect those who walk unarmed and blood drenched, into a lair of hungry cannibals. We can only live and choose for one and one alone. The first one who always counts. Ourselves. As a parent, as any role, we need to be first in order to help any other. Of sound mind ..body, soul and spirit. We need to be above 50% or we cannot hope to give any source of aid.

An empty glass cannot quench that of a thirsty man.

I wish I could be there for her to just talk to, to lean on, to cry on, because sometimes, ..all we need is someone to listen. No words, just open arms, a warming embrace. Somewhere to hide into. Bury ourselves within. But I would hope she knows that even though thousands of miles separate us, I am still there. Though arms will not find a comforting embrace physically, my thoughts and hopes are with her. Soothing and calming. I know she's got other friends but...I have very few. So those feelings are genuine....
I guess friendship to me is along the lines of being in love. You can't fall in love with 10 people the same way. Maybe ..one or two in a lifetime...so you know it's real.
You, my friend, are strong, stronger than you give yourself credit for.
Tears are not signs of failure but signs of prevailing.


  1. Thank you. You are truly my friend, which to me is also sacred and very special. There are few people in this life I feel safe enough to fall into. To tumble vulnerably to the bottom of my soul, you are truly in the top five. Lol you are in the top three.
    I love you. You are so very special to me. I appreciate your thoughts as I struggle. Yes, nearly alone. Those closest in distance are not on the list of people to crash with. I will call soon. I promise. Right now I'm just trying to breathe.

  2. I understand. :) I'm thinking of you always. Not only in your time of distress. But also when you are smiling. Chin up babe.
