Thursday, January 12, 2012

A longing

That's how I've been feeling lately. With all the help I've been giving to my parents in trying to get their personal things collected, the added stress of whatever new bad news that follow from unrevealed circumstances, their final decision is one I neither agree nor disagree with but see it as the best alternative. Through years of striving, failing to make ends meet, unstable jobs due to no green card for how many years and then after, some poor decisions due to pride, my dad is now forced to file for bankruptcy. Through the years I've done my best to help when I can, shit, I still do now. I've watched them lose 1 car which would have been paid off in less than 3 months if we had the money to continue the payments, and another due to my brother's ego.

Now they're being held up on their rent and faced with legal fees, court complaints and the like. It's currently not pretty. My mother was the only one working for a long time, to support them. They tried consolidating bills, programs but it eventually all became too much.

I've been helping gather the information, reading and responding to majority of all the legal paperwork try receive. And it's not a burden, just overwhelming at the moment.

It's like, when I think it's getting just a little better, something worse comes in the mail. And I'm disheartened. They can't catch a break no matter how hard they try. And I know they're trying, and tired now.

I know they know the pressure. But I wouldn't change my being there to help them through this. Just, no more bad news, please.

I want them to lay in bed at done point, at ease and a sense of knowing as bad as it is that it IS getting better. They aren't trying in vain anymore.
I know we all have a sense of longing for this to end at some point do they can relax. So they aren't always under pressure.

I long for them to be just a little stress free. And to be able to enjoy it.

Sent from my iPhone

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