Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Chris died

He died 5 months ago. Maybe longer. My head knows he's gone. My heart is broken. But I know he'll never come back. So I have to carry on with life.

I need someone to love me.
He's got to be tall.
Not obnoxious and loud.
I want him to not smoke. Or smoke mildly.
Family and future oriented.
He wants to do things with us.
He makes me feel special.
He buys me flowers for no reason. Light drinker.
Great laugh.
Sociable but I'm the apple of his eye and my daughter is the other.
I want him to be proud of me, my daughter.
I want him to be a hard worker and a strong provider.
His lady and kids are his focus.
He's got level headed friends.
A prosperous job.
He's smart, and charming.
He's spontaneous ..
He's a leader. So I don't have to be in charge.
He's kind hearted and generous.
He's protective.
He has to make me feel safe.
He has to make me feel wanted, sexy, adored.
His hobbies involve friends or family.
He's one of the guys.
He's admired and respected.
He wants to take care of me, and grow old with me.
I want him to come home to me every night and be happy it's me. Not anyone else.
I want silly letters or songs to say he cares.
I want him to defend me.

Sent from my iPhone

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