I'm sure he feels rather rejected. I know I would if I was in his shoes, to be quite honest. I hadn't seen Walter for about 2 days after his little rant. And when I did, here's a smidgen of what was said.
whats going on
nada...just finished decorating some lol, how about youuu
Nada. Being a floor flower. I'm tired
what a floor flower? like a lawn dart?
People been calling and texting since 830 so now I'm laying in my floor with a blanket
Because the bed was too far
that excuse only works in two situations: 1. You come home drunk.... and 2. You come home with someone else and in the heat of the moment you guys make it 3 feet in the door
You cant just make them up lol...so what are ya doin on the flooor
Jaidens asleep on a blanket here too so I'm with her
so....how about 2nd week in january.....dinner? as promised.\
That deal was made after an ultimatum was made and I'm single. Not before.
Oh this could take for ever tho!
haha, dont worry if its any consolation and not too creepy i think you'd be well worth the wait
Tsk I wouldn't hold my breath for me tbh
How's work and life stuff going?
Well speak for yourself lol. It' going, slowly but going. Getting my bank acct set up and working on all that....oh so fun
Yeah. I just need to keep moving forward with it. My roomates are pretty good about helping, motivating, and such lol
You're right and that's great. Needed.
so what are you up to today beyond playing fish out of water on the floor haha
Lol I have some stuff to clean. Maybe I'll clean my bathroom and kitchen. Vacuum.
I should get off the floor at some point.
That sounded dirty, but in a clean way.
you know...
you could just put on fleecy pjs and sort of flail around a bit on the floor......maybe mit yourself in some mop and glo first
Nooo that sounds like too much work on my part
LOL really? REALLY MINDY? you dont even have to stand up and REALLY lol
Even worse!
Omg I hate cleaning .. I hope my OCD kicks in
So I can get it done ASAP
i dusted all night
i also swept
and tried making the bathtub white again
Lol I've done that. Doing it again soon
sooo can i ask you something and get a non sugar coated honest answer........what did you think about what i told you the other night
Um it was an unexpected bunch of info
thats not what i was getting at lol
Why do you keep deleting your updates?
Idk....I guess what I was asking (My brain is telling me to shut up now) was if you had put any thought to it or anything.....and idk i dont like them
ill delet4e this one too in a bit lol
im actually debating just clearing off my whole wall and jut not poting
damn s button is stuck
Well - it would be wrong of me to think about it, to analyze and or act on anything you said. Because then I wouldn't be me, or honest with myself ... am I offended? no. Shocked? Yes. Will I do anything about it? No. Don't be insulted nor feel dejected. Your honesty was greated admired.
What were you expecting having said all that you'd said? Honestly.
That doesn't answer the question but ok I'll leave it at that
I dont really know, it wasnt all that thought through
as per that part of it
and idk, i guess thats why i asked because i didnt know
So how do you feel now that..I know.
like the cats out of the bag and i shouldve kept my mouth shut
well because now you know, lol, and idk lol
So hows your cleaning going
Oh I cleaned everything. Bathroom, kitchen, ceiling to cloors
toilet, bath, counters , stove, heating vents
I know - I'm awesome
Ok I lied, that was pretty much the whole thing. Random nothings til he brought it up. Maybe I was brutally honest in that ..not so...vicious way. maybe he took it with a great assault considering he put his heart, and his feelings out there with high hopes, at least that's how it seems now, and was shot down with no real...thought. I was honest in what I said and now it seems as though what he said about gambling with a friendship was more of a risk to him than it seems, rather than to me ...I guess you can look at it as ...I don't really care if he's in my life, friend or not, and here he is, thinking if he told me how he felt, openly and honestly, then things would somehow be different.
What was I supposed to say? "Where have you been all my life? How did I not see you?" ? No...And for that dinner, how can he even expect me to fulfill something like that knowing I'm with someone. Knowing how I am and how I think, and feel. it'd be like, ...Well I'm in love with Chris and I went on a date/not date with Walter as just friends because he thinks we could be good together - it was an opener to the land of "What if"- so if by some never in a million years chance ...I find out Walter's some GREAT man, and I SUDDENLY wake up and say "Well, he's better than where I am now..let's mosey on over to that side of the pasture where the grass is OBVIOUSLY greener...PFT - Baloney.
It's always GREAT in the start. This .where I am, I'm 5 years deep, 7 years invested. And Guess what? All that garbage he spewed about 'waiting for 4 years' and 'risking a friendship'? Chris said it ALL. So it's nonsense.
Walter should have...well..I guess...it's wrong to say 'shouldn't have' because when we go on emotions, our hearts forget that our brain is usually right.
So I guess the real hurt is staring him in the face when he talks to me knowing he doesn't stand a shot in the dark because I'll never be over, free and clear enough to give him a fair shot. That's how I feel, anyways. It'd take years for that to completely happen. I'm like a lobster, I love for life. o.O