Monday, April 23, 2012

A headache

I guess that Guinness was not a bright idea. I guess I can't do the WHOLE bottle in one night anymore. Or maybe I wasn't in the mood. I ended up getting a headache midway through the bottle. I guess it was emotion and feelings that overwhelmed me because I wasn't enjoying my almost always enjoyable drink. I haven't indulged in weeks. And after all the crap I'd been enduring I felt this was due. But it was just something for me to think all into.
He's awake ALL night claiming he can't sleep. BUT he pops some percocet and he's FINE. AND THEN goes to bed at 7am. Sleeps til 3pm when I have to leave for work. So now, he's up when I leave til I get home at 8...8.30. Depending on the night. And once I'm home, he's back in bed asleep or sleeping when I arrive, I'm awake. I clean. I cook. the time all that's done, I'm tired and ready to ass out and guess who's UP. It's an ongoing vicious and pissing-me-off process that I'm hating every time it happens.
Or on my days off (which haven't been often lately, thank god) he does the same thing, only chooses to sleep MORE. So I'm supposed to be the understanding one who has to adhere to his injury.

I don't want to say I do everything because I don't. But it just feels so overwhelming. I feel so stifled.
He does try.(I'd like to be shot in the face for the excuse) He unloads the dishwasher if it's done, he has cleaned up after I've cooked and gone to work.(once) That caught me by surprise. He's given Jaiden her baths - which he has made one ROYAL mistake ...he left her in the tub and claimed he went to go get her clean clothes for after the bath. And somehow the tub overflowed. I have a carpeted...or should I say HAD a carpeted bathroom. Now, it's tiles. because the water ruined the carpet. So he left her for however long, which was very long considering it's a BIG tub, alone, it overflows. Ruins the carpets. He removes the carpets ..uses CLEAN towels to sop up the water and then LEAVES the now dirty wet towels on the carpet by the hamper.

I didn't find it til the next day when it started to smell. So I took it outside to let it air dry before adding it to the laundry. It doesn't take rocket science to know wet on carpets = mold = have to remove carpet = costs money.

It's stupid shit like that that pisses me off. Or the better one, where the hell was he for so long that the tub overflowed. Why'd he leave her alone that long. What if she had drowned. We have 1 bedroom and it's right across from the bathroom. If your crippled ass can't focus ON HER then don't do it. So with all those questions it just leads me to believe he lied about what he was doing. And the only other thing he could have been doing, which is the only thing he HAS been doing is playing on the game.

No matter how much I try it's's too much pressure. And one person shouldn't have to deal with such a headache because of someone else's mistake.

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