Sunday, April 1, 2012

The good, the bad and everything else.

The good.
He has noticeably changed, some for the good, And with that, when the bad shows, it shows rather boldly. He loads and unloads the dishwasher at times unasked of when I'm at work. He gives Jaiden her bath if I'm at work...I mean, he picks up the basic slack when I'm not around and I guess that accounts for something, right? If I ask it'll get done.

The bad.
He doesn't sleep. He's on the computer or the game so much more than needed. Hours upon hours, sometimes days after days with just a few misplaced (and by misplaced I mean, when he should be awake he's asleep because he went to bed  hours before) hours of sleep. He won't crawl into bed sometimes til 7am, and this wake up late for work, thusssss..having to take the day off because going in at 3pm would draw too much attention to him from his boss and he'd only be able to work til 530. simply because he can't be in a store after 530. meaning he can't visit another store after that hour.
So when 7am rolls around and we wake up at 10 or so...he's struggling for rest when his daughter is up and about and wants to play, wants attention.
We can't make plans because he'll not go to bed to wake up on time to get where we need to go. It's a GUARANTEE we are always an hour or more late.

A life can't just be games and the essential drivel to get you through the day.
It can't be working for a few bucks to come home and  sit behind a screen.
It can't be spent behind the screen wasting away only to have to alter plans because you got no sleep so you can't go to work because you'll fall asleep while driving (which has happened)or when you park to go into a store (which has happened).

It can't be wasted away behind something that can be picked up at ANY given time and it'll be the SAME.
Will your life be the same tomorrow? Not if you change it.
Will your daughter be the same tomorrow? Nope she'll have learned something new and done something great and you would have missed it.
Will your money multiply tomorrow? Unless you hit it big in the lottery (which he doesn't play) nope...

The good is so few...the bad is getting tolerable but I don't like the level of tolerance I have to put forward...

Everything else might be JUST that. Everything else.

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