Tuesday, September 23, 2014


I don't believe him completely just yet. Part of me still believes he's still looking for what he really wants or what he thinks he wants.
He's been severely depressed over the past few months and then again he's also been very happy.
I was actually invited to his parents' home for the July 4th weekend. That was the first time I'd seen them in 2 years.
He's definitely struggling with a lot. His poor money management has caught up with him. He's fallen behind in bills, rent, in child support. And is now moving in with his aunt. As in they're going to be sharing a 2 bed room apartment.
His aunt's like...50.
My rational behind that was....

She has a grown daughter. Her daughter has a grown daughter. And they don't want to live with her. Her brother (Chris' Dad) has a huge house with just him and his wife and she won't move in there. No, it's not location because they've got the apartment 5 minutes from my home and basically 5 minutes from Chris' parents.

If she can't pay her rent, or her half of her responsibilities...how the hell will he??

And his reasoning behind that is that his settlement from his car accident 2 years ago is nearing resolution so he's waiting on THAT money. It's been pushed back a few times but he's moving in November. They already signed the papers (or so I was told). He's also trying to pursue a different job working for NJ Transit. But I have friends who either work for NJT or have in the past. Chris...I love him to death but he's fucking lazy.

He cannot do that job. He is not reliable or dependable. He will forget. He will be late. With NJT he will be working all the time. Holidays. Weekends, days, nights. Birthdays. It's a great opportunity but he cannot do it.
Hell, he can't pull off a basic 9-5 with the occasional bullshit shifts for PlayStation as is. And a bullshit shift is maybe a weekend or a midnight. He cannot go from that to being on call within 4 hours to be somewhere for a TRAIN to leave on time. Yes it will make TONS of money. And when he speaks of it he speaks of taking care of us, a family. Another child. A home, vacations.

He has ....dreams?
He wants to be a provider. But he's going about it all wrong.

But I won't rock his boat yet. I've shared my opinions on certain things but he's an adult. He will see his choices for what they are. And where they will lead.

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