Wednesday, June 27, 2012

None of it seems right

It doesn't even seem kosher.
After few conversations, each one different from the other. I can only, after talking to a few people, that ...something's off. Something's amiss.
The first time we spoke was Thursday at 7.45pm
He came back to the apartment and I showed him the print outs of what he can do to help us ..despite his decision to leave. He got mad. He got loud and slightly belligerent.
He didn't agree to anything.

That same night he came back and he was able to talk to my mom.
"Do you want to be with her?"
"Are you seeing someone else?"
"...I don't see us in the future together, and I didn't want to be with you." ..he said he'd come back Friday night to pay the back rent. He never showed up.

...these are just some of the questions that came throughout the night and some of the things he said.

I spoke to him again Saturday on the phone. He was working.
On the phone for about 40 minutes. Crying. Saying he didn't know what else to do to find himself. He didn't want to stay but he doesn't want me and Jaiden to move out.
"Why? "
"Do you plan on coming back?"
"I don't know."...
Leaves me utterly confused. He said he would stop by to see Jaiden that day. He said around 6.30 but then texted at 6.30 to say he wanted to have dinner first so another hour would go by.
He did show at around 7.45. He spent time with her til a little after 9pm.
Again said he could only pay July's rent. I said ok.

Spoke to him once more on Tuesday night.
He wanted to come over and take Jaiden to the park. He did show around 7.45 and kept her outside til almost 9pm.
We talked on his return.
" what you have to do. Go get welfare, go get government help. You can get it're a single mom and you're a minority. Its why that help is there. "..I was flabbergasted.
And then it came.
"The place I want isn't available til October. So I can pay your rent here til September. After that I can't pay for mine and yours. So you'll have to move out then. I'm mostly doing it so you and Jaiden don't have to move in with your parents so soon. I already started consulting a company for child support.."
And then he kinda rambled about arbitrators and finances. Apparently this was his mother's idea which he AGREED with.
But then when I told him I had started child support papers as well he said .."Well I can go with you if you want. "..confused.
He didn't stay very long after that.
"Do you need money. "
"I don't have any so yes."
"Do you want to go food shopping tomorrow?" but that wasn't answered because it got side tracked by something else.

But he did remind me.."Do I see myself with you and getting married? No."
Why is he being so nice? Why is making sure I can stay here and he is offering all this help. KNowing he wrecked my and Jaiden's life? Shame? Guilt?

He said he got the place he got because it's out of everyone's way. His parents can't stop by. But then he said he wanted to do this so he'd be able to do things on his own. So he'd grow up. "If I do choose you no one else will matter. Not my parents, not your parents. I don't care if they hate me."

His opinions as to why his sister and mother hates me was this: they don't like that I'm not white. That's all he can come up with. They have no other reason to hate me. Other than his mother says I'm rude and his sister agrees.

He said he'd pay the bills and the rent til September. And I can't understand why he'd tell me all he's said then say he'll do that. I feel as though doesn't make sense.
He said this weekend he'd move all his things out.
I said he should do it Saturday when I'm here.
So I can make sure he takes everything of his. (I didn't tell him that)

But I feel something's off. He has the power to pull this right out from under me. He has all the control now. Money control. My home control. Control over my heart. (and it's because I'm momentarily allowing it. )..should I just move now and avoid the ....whatever's coming?
Does he have some kind of hidden agenda?
What am I not seeing?

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